Performed a bit of Poe and a bit of Whitman at a little gathering in Calvert Country yesterday. What a treat! Reminded me just how consuming it is to perform great literature: to become totally one with the imaginary world of the poet and the poem’s persona, and let its contours take you where it will.
It also reminded me just how much audiences become engaged, even as I speak directly to them as the man in “The Raven,” his poor desperate soul looking for some release from the torment of death’s everlasting embrace.
We open in 12 days. Hope to see you there.
Tickets are here.
Tags: a fable, alone, capital fringe festival, dance place, dc, district of columbia, doug fraser, dream within a dream, dreams, Edgar Allan Poe, ereka, franc rosario, fringe festival, interdisciplinary, interdisciplinary performance, marcus oliver, matt miller, performance, performance poetry, Poe, poetry, poetry in performance, Robert Michael Oliver, silence a fable, song of myself, the raven, theater, theatre, ulalume, walt whitman, washington dc, whitman