Dear Friends, Supporters, and Performing Arts Lovers:
I'm never good at making these calls. I can only count my blessings that I'm not on the telephone: otherwise, few if any calls would be made. But I'm not on the telephone. I'm on a blog post, and I'm asking for money. Why? Because I'm very excited by the new direction that The Sanctuary Theatre is moving. Yes, the … Continue reading the story "A Call For Contributions"
Post Archives tagged ‘poetry-in-performance’
Protected: Embodying Poe: Poetry in Performance
A discussion of the theory behind Embodying Poe.
What does poetry look like when it is in the theater?
I first entered into theater 35 years ago because I had the rather ridiculous inspiration to perform Theodore Roethke’s poetry. I call it ridiculous now because, although for a twenty-year-old I had some rough understanding of poetry, I had almost no concept of what theater was or could … Continue reading the story "Protected: Embodying Poe: Poetry in Performance"