Post Archives tagged ‘education’

A Call For Contributions

Posted on: June 2nd, 2011 by
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Dear Friends, Supporters, and Performing Arts Lovers: I'm never good at making these calls.  I can only count my blessings that I'm not on the telephone: otherwise, few if any calls would be made.  But I'm not on the telephone.  I'm on a blog post, and I'm asking for money.  Why?  Because I'm very excited by the new direction that The Sanctuary Theatre is moving.  Yes, the Continue reading the story "A Call For Contributions"

Protected: Embodying Poe: Poetry in Performance

Posted on: May 3rd, 2011 by
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A discussion of the theory behind Embodying Poe. What does poetry look like when it is in the theater? I first entered into theater 35 years ago because I had the rather ridiculous inspiration to perform Theodore Roethke’s poetry. I call it ridiculous now because, although for a twenty-year-old I had some rough understanding of poetry, I had almost no concept of what theater was or could Continue reading the story "Protected: Embodying Poe: Poetry in Performance"