Then, on July … Continue reading the story "Opening Poe Whitman Tomorrow, Friday, July 10, 2015"
The first show will be Song of Myself: the Whitman Project, at 6:30, at Dance Place's Hyman M. Perlo Studio, 3225 8th St NE Washington, DC.
Post Archives tagged ‘performance’
Opening Poe Whitman Tomorrow, Friday, July 10, 2015
The first show will be Song of Myself: the Whitman Project, at 6:30, at Dance Place's Hyman M. Perlo Studio, 3225 8th St NE Washington, DC.Capital Fringe: Who Can Say Poe Whitman
Performed a bit of Poe and a bit of Whitman at a little gathering in Calvert Country yesterday. What a treat! Reminded me just how consuming it is to perform great literature: to become totally one with the imaginary world of the poet and the poem's persona, and let its contours take you where it … Continue reading the story "Capital Fringe: Who Can Say Poe Whitman"